Source code for

import numpy as np

from .data import Data
from .sampler import BatchSampler
from .. import backend as bkd
from .. import config
from ..utils import run_if_all_none

[docs] class PDEOperator(Data): """PDE solution operator. Args: pde: Instance of ```` or ````. function_space: Instance of ````. evaluation_points: A NumPy array of shape (n_points, dim). Discretize the input function sampled from `function_space` using pointwise evaluations at a set of points as the input of the branch net. num_function (int): The number of functions for training. function_variables: ``None`` or a list of integers. The functions in the `function_space` may not have the same domain as the PDE. For example, the PDE is defined on a spatio-temporal domain (`x`, `t`), but the function is IC, which is only a function of `x`. In this case, we need to specify the variables of the function by `function_variables=[0]`, where `0` indicates the first variable `x`. If ``None``, then we assume the domains of the function and the PDE are the same. num_test: The number of functions for testing PDE loss. The testing functions for BCs/ICs are the same functions used for training. If ``None``, then the training functions will be used for testing. Attributes: train_bc: A triple of three Numpy arrays (v, x, vx) fed into PIDeepONet for training BCs/ICs. num_bcs (list): `num_bcs[i]` is the number of points for `bcs[i]`. train_x: A tuple of two Numpy arrays (v, x) fed into PIDeepONet for training. v is the function input to the branch net; x is the point input to the trunk net. `train_x` is ordered from BCs/ICs (`train_bc`) to PDEs. train_aux_vars: v(x), i.e., the value of v evaluated at x. """ def __init__( self, pde, function_space, evaluation_points, num_function, function_variables=None, num_test=None, ): self.pde = pde self.func_space = function_space self.eval_pts = evaluation_points self.num_func = num_function self.func_vars = ( function_variables if function_variables is not None else list(range(pde.geom.dim)) ) self.num_test = num_test self.num_bcs = [n * self.num_func for n in self.pde.num_bcs] self.train_bc = None self.train_x = None self.train_y = None self.train_aux_vars = None self.test_x = None self.test_y = None self.test_aux_vars = None self.train_next_batch() self.test()
[docs] def losses(self, targets, outputs, loss_fn, inputs, model, aux=None): f = [] if self.pde.pde is not None: f = self.pde.pde(inputs[1], outputs, if not isinstance(f, (list, tuple)): f = [f] bcs_start = np.cumsum([0] + self.num_bcs) error_f = [fi[bcs_start[-1] :] for fi in f] losses = [loss_fn(bkd.zeros_like(error), error) for error in error_f] for i, bc in enumerate(self.pde.bcs): beg, end = bcs_start[i], bcs_start[i + 1] # The same BC points are used for training and testing. error = bc.error( self.train_x[1], inputs[1], outputs, beg, end, aux_var=self.train_aux_vars, ) losses.append(loss_fn(bkd.zeros_like(error), error)) return losses
[docs] @run_if_all_none("train_x", "train_y", "train_aux_vars") def train_next_batch(self, batch_size=None): func_feats = self.func_space.random(self.num_func) func_vals = self.func_space.eval_batch(func_feats, self.eval_pts) v, x, vx = self.bc_inputs(func_feats, func_vals) if self.pde.pde is not None: v_pde, x_pde, vx_pde = self.gen_inputs( func_feats, func_vals, self.pde.train_x_all ) v = np.vstack((v, v_pde)) x = np.vstack((x, x_pde)) vx = np.vstack((vx, vx_pde)) self.train_x = (v, x) self.train_aux_vars = vx return self.train_x, self.train_y, self.train_aux_vars
[docs] @run_if_all_none("test_x", "test_y", "test_aux_vars") def test(self): if self.num_test is None: self.test_x = self.train_x self.test_aux_vars = self.train_aux_vars else: func_feats = self.func_space.random(self.num_test) func_vals = self.func_space.eval_batch(func_feats, self.eval_pts) # TODO: Use different BC data from self.train_x v, x, vx = self.train_bc if self.pde.pde is not None: v_pde, x_pde, vx_pde = self.gen_inputs( func_feats, func_vals, self.pde.test_x[sum(self.pde.num_bcs) :] ) v = np.vstack((v, v_pde)) x = np.vstack((x, x_pde)) vx = np.vstack((vx, vx_pde)) self.test_x = (v, x) self.test_aux_vars = vx return self.test_x, self.test_y, self.test_aux_vars
[docs] def gen_inputs(self, func_feats, func_vals, points): # Format: # v1, x_1 # ... # v1, x_N1 # v2, x_1 # ... # v2, x_N1 v = np.repeat(func_vals, len(points), axis=0) x = np.tile(points, (len(func_feats), 1)) vx = self.func_space.eval_batch(func_feats, points[:, self.func_vars]).reshape( -1, 1 ) return v, x, vx
[docs] def bc_inputs(self, func_feats, func_vals): if not self.pde.bcs: self.train_bc = ( np.empty((0, len(self.eval_pts)), dtype=config.real(np)), np.empty((0, self.pde.geom.dim), dtype=config.real(np)), np.empty((0, 1), dtype=config.real(np)), ) return self.train_bc v, x, vx = [], [], [] bcs_start = np.cumsum([0] + self.pde.num_bcs) for i, _ in enumerate(self.pde.num_bcs): beg, end = bcs_start[i], bcs_start[i + 1] vi, xi, vxi = self.gen_inputs( func_feats, func_vals, self.pde.train_x_bc[beg:end] ) v.append(vi) x.append(xi) vx.append(vxi) self.train_bc = (np.vstack(v), np.vstack(x), np.vstack(vx)) return self.train_bc
[docs] class PDEOperatorCartesianProd(Data): """PDE solution operator with data in the format of Cartesian product. Args: pde: Instance of ```` or ````. function_space: Instance of ````. evaluation_points: A NumPy array of shape (n_points, dim). Discretize the input function sampled from `function_space` using pointwise evaluations at a set of points as the input of the branch net. num_function (int): The number of functions for training. function_variables: ``None`` or a list of integers. The functions in the `function_space` may not have the same domain as the PDE. For example, the PDE is defined on a spatio-temporal domain (`x`, `t`), but the function is IC, which is only a function of `x`. In this case, we need to specify the variables of the function by `function_variables=[0]`, where `0` indicates the first variable `x`. If ``None``, then we assume the domains of the function and the PDE are the same. num_test: The number of functions for testing PDE loss. The testing functions for BCs/ICs are the same functions used for training. If ``None``, then the training functions will be used for testing. batch_size: Integer or ``None``. Attributes: train_x: A tuple of two Numpy arrays (v, x) fed into PIDeepONet for training. v is the function input to the branch net and has the shape (`N1`, `dim1`); x is the point input to the trunk net and has the shape (`N2`, `dim2`). train_aux_vars: v(x), i.e., the value of v evaluated at x, has the shape (`N1`, `N2`). """ def __init__( self, pde, function_space, evaluation_points, num_function, function_variables=None, num_test=None, batch_size=None, ): self.pde = pde self.func_space = function_space self.eval_pts = evaluation_points self.num_func = num_function self.func_vars = ( function_variables if function_variables is not None else list(range(pde.geom.dim)) ) self.num_test = num_test self.batch_size = batch_size self.train_x = None self.train_y = None self.train_aux_vars = None self.test_x = None self.test_y = None self.test_aux_vars = None self.train_sampler = BatchSampler(self.num_func, shuffle=True) self.train_next_batch() self.test() def _losses(self, outputs, loss_fn, inputs, model, num_func): bcs_start = np.cumsum([0] + self.pde.num_bcs) losses = [] for i in range(num_func): out = outputs[i] # Single output if bkd.ndim(out) == 1: out = out[:, None] f = [] if self.pde.pde is not None: f = self.pde.pde(inputs[1], out,[i][:, None]) if not isinstance(f, (list, tuple)): f = [f] error_f = [fi[bcs_start[-1] :] for fi in f] losses_i = [loss_fn(bkd.zeros_like(error), error) for error in error_f] for j, bc in enumerate(self.pde.bcs): beg, end = bcs_start[j], bcs_start[j + 1] # The same BC points are used for training and testing. error = bc.error( self.train_x[1], inputs[1], out, beg, end,[i][:, None], ) losses_i.append(loss_fn(bkd.zeros_like(error), error)) losses.append(losses_i) losses = zip(*losses) # Use stack instead of as_tensor to keep the gradients. losses = [bkd.reduce_mean(bkd.stack(loss, 0)) for loss in losses] return losses
[docs] def losses_train(self, targets, outputs, loss_fn, inputs, model, aux=None): num_func = self.num_func if self.batch_size is None else self.batch_size return self._losses(outputs, loss_fn, inputs, model, num_func)
[docs] def losses_test(self, targets, outputs, loss_fn, inputs, model, aux=None): return self._losses(outputs, loss_fn, inputs, model, len(self.test_x[0]))
[docs] def train_next_batch(self, batch_size=None): if self.train_x is None: func_feats = self.func_space.random(self.num_func) func_vals = self.func_space.eval_batch(func_feats, self.eval_pts) vx = self.func_space.eval_batch( func_feats, self.pde.train_x[:, self.func_vars] ) self.train_x = (func_vals, self.pde.train_x) self.train_aux_vars = vx if self.batch_size is None: return self.train_x, self.train_y, self.train_aux_vars indices = self.train_sampler.get_next(self.batch_size) traix_x = (self.train_x[0][indices], self.train_x[1]) return traix_x, self.train_y, self.train_aux_vars[indices]
[docs] @run_if_all_none("test_x", "test_y", "test_aux_vars") def test(self): if self.num_test is None: self.test_x = self.train_x self.test_aux_vars = self.train_aux_vars else: func_feats = self.func_space.random(self.num_test) func_vals = self.func_space.eval_batch(func_feats, self.eval_pts) vx = self.func_space.eval_batch( func_feats, self.pde.test_x[:, self.func_vars] ) self.test_x = (func_vals, self.pde.test_x) self.test_aux_vars = vx return self.test_x, self.test_y, self.test_aux_vars