Source code for deepxde.geometry.geometry

import abc
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np

[docs] class Geometry(abc.ABC): def __init__(self, dim, bbox, diam): self.dim = dim self.bbox = bbox self.diam = min(diam, np.linalg.norm(bbox[1] - bbox[0])) self.idstr = type(self).__name__
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def inside(self, x): """Check if x is inside the geometry (including the boundary)."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def on_boundary(self, x): """Check if x is on the geometry boundary."""
[docs] def distance2boundary(self, x, dirn): raise NotImplementedError( "{}.distance2boundary to be implemented".format(self.idstr) )
[docs] def mindist2boundary(self, x): raise NotImplementedError( "{}.mindist2boundary to be implemented".format(self.idstr) )
[docs] def boundary_constraint_factor( self, x, smoothness: Literal["C0", "C0+", "Cinf"] = "C0+" ): """Compute the hard constraint factor at x for the boundary. This function is used for the hard-constraint methods in Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). The hard constraint factor satisfies the following properties: - The function is zero on the boundary and positive elsewhere. - The function is at least continuous. In the ansatz `boundary_constraint_factor(x) * NN(x) + boundary_condition(x)`, when `x` is on the boundary, `boundary_constraint_factor(x)` will be zero, making the ansatz be the boundary condition, which in turn makes the boundary condition a "hard constraint". Args: x: A 2D array of shape (n, dim), where `n` is the number of points and `dim` is the dimension of the geometry. Note that `x` should be a tensor type of backend (e.g., `tf.Tensor` or `torch.Tensor`), not a numpy array. smoothness (string, optional): A string to specify the smoothness of the distance function, e.g., "C0", "C0+", "Cinf". "C0" is the least smooth, "Cinf" is the most smooth. Default is "C0+". - C0 The distance function is continuous but may not be non-differentiable. But the set of non-differentiable points should have measure zero, which makes the probability of the collocation point falling in this set be zero. - C0+ The distance function is continuous and differentiable almost everywhere. The non-differentiable points can only appear on boundaries. If the points in `x` are all inside or outside the geometry, the distance function is smooth. - Cinf The distance function is continuous and differentiable at any order on any points. This option may result in a polynomial of HIGH order. Returns: A tensor of a type determined by the backend, which will have a shape of (n, 1). Each element in the tensor corresponds to the computed distance value for the respective point in `x`. """ raise NotImplementedError( "{}.boundary_constraint_factor to be implemented".format(self.idstr) )
[docs] def boundary_normal(self, x): """Compute the unit normal at x for Neumann or Robin boundary conditions.""" raise NotImplementedError( "{}.boundary_normal to be implemented".format(self.idstr) )
[docs] def uniform_points(self, n, boundary=True): """Compute the equispaced point locations in the geometry.""" print( "Warning: {}.uniform_points not implemented. Use random_points instead.".format( self.idstr ) ) return self.random_points(n)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def random_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): """Compute the random point locations in the geometry."""
[docs] def uniform_boundary_points(self, n): """Compute the equispaced point locations on the boundary.""" print( "Warning: {}.uniform_boundary_points not implemented. Use random_boundary_points instead.".format( self.idstr ) ) return self.random_boundary_points(n)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def random_boundary_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): """Compute the random point locations on the boundary."""
[docs] def periodic_point(self, x, component): """Compute the periodic image of x for periodic boundary condition.""" raise NotImplementedError( "{}.periodic_point to be implemented".format(self.idstr) )
[docs] def background_points(self, x, dirn, dist2npt, shift): raise NotImplementedError( "{}.background_points to be implemented".format(self.idstr) )
[docs] def union(self, other): """CSG Union.""" from . import csg return csg.CSGUnion(self, other)
def __or__(self, other): """CSG Union.""" from . import csg return csg.CSGUnion(self, other)
[docs] def difference(self, other): """CSG Difference.""" from . import csg return csg.CSGDifference(self, other)
def __sub__(self, other): """CSG Difference.""" from . import csg return csg.CSGDifference(self, other)
[docs] def intersection(self, other): """CSG Intersection.""" from . import csg return csg.CSGIntersection(self, other)
def __and__(self, other): """CSG Intersection.""" from . import csg return csg.CSGIntersection(self, other)