Source code for deepxde.geometry.geometry_1d

from typing import Literal, Union

import numpy as np

from .geometry import Geometry
from .sampler import sample
from .. import backend as bkd
from .. import config
from ..utils import isclose

[docs] class Interval(Geometry): def __init__(self, l, r): super().__init__(1, (np.array([l]), np.array([r])), r - l) self.l, self.r = l, r
[docs] def inside(self, x): return np.logical_and(self.l <= x, x <= self.r).flatten()
[docs] def on_boundary(self, x): return np.any(isclose(x, [self.l, self.r]), axis=-1)
[docs] def distance2boundary(self, x, dirn): return x - self.l if dirn < 0 else self.r - x
[docs] def mindist2boundary(self, x): return min(np.amin(x - self.l), np.amin(self.r - x))
[docs] def boundary_constraint_factor( self, x, smoothness: Literal["C0", "C0+", "Cinf"] = "C0+", where: Union[None, Literal["left", "right"]] = None, ): """Compute the hard constraint factor at x for the boundary. This function is used for the hard-constraint methods in Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). The hard constraint factor satisfies the following properties: - The function is zero on the boundary and positive elsewhere. - The function is at least continuous. In the ansatz `boundary_constraint_factor(x) * NN(x) + boundary_condition(x)`, when `x` is on the boundary, `boundary_constraint_factor(x)` will be zero, making the ansatz be the boundary condition, which in turn makes the boundary condition a "hard constraint". Args: x: A 2D array of shape (n, dim), where `n` is the number of points and `dim` is the dimension of the geometry. Note that `x` should be a tensor type of backend (e.g., `tf.Tensor` or `torch.Tensor`), not a numpy array. smoothness (string, optional): A string to specify the smoothness of the distance function, e.g., "C0", "C0+", "Cinf". "C0" is the least smooth, "Cinf" is the most smooth. Default is "C0+". - C0 The distance function is continuous but may not be non-differentiable. But the set of non-differentiable points should have measure zero, which makes the probability of the collocation point falling in this set be zero. - C0+ The distance function is continuous and differentiable almost everywhere. The non-differentiable points can only appear on boundaries. If the points in `x` are all inside or outside the geometry, the distance function is smooth. - Cinf The distance function is continuous and differentiable at any order on any points. This option may result in a polynomial of HIGH order. where (string, optional): A string to specify which part of the boundary to compute the distance, e.g., "left", "right". If `None`, compute the distance to the whole boundary. Default is `None`. Returns: A tensor of a type determined by the backend, which will have a shape of (n, 1). Each element in the tensor corresponds to the computed distance value for the respective point in `x`. """ if where not in [None, "left"]: raise ValueError("where must be None or left") if smoothness not in ["C0", "C0+", "Cinf"]: raise ValueError("smoothness must be one of C0, C0+, Cinf") # To convert self.l and self.r to tensor, # and avoid repeated conversion in the loop if not hasattr(self, "self.l_tensor"): self.l_tensor = bkd.as_tensor(self.l) self.r_tensor = bkd.as_tensor(self.r) dist_l = dist_r = None if where != "right": dist_l = bkd.abs((x - self.l_tensor) / (self.r_tensor - self.l_tensor) * 2) if where != "left": dist_r = bkd.abs((x - self.r_tensor) / (self.r_tensor - self.l_tensor) * 2) if where is None: if smoothness == "C0": return bkd.minimum(dist_l, dist_r) if smoothness == "C0+": return dist_l * dist_r return bkd.square(dist_l * dist_r) if where == "left": if smoothness == "Cinf": dist_l = bkd.square(dist_l) return dist_l if smoothness == "Cinf": dist_r = bkd.square(dist_r) return dist_r
[docs] def boundary_normal(self, x): return -isclose(x, self.l).astype(config.real(np)) + isclose(x, self.r)
[docs] def uniform_points(self, n, boundary=True): if boundary: return np.linspace(self.l, self.r, num=n, dtype=config.real(np))[:, None] return np.linspace( self.l, self.r, num=n + 1, endpoint=False, dtype=config.real(np) )[1:, None]
[docs] def log_uniform_points(self, n, boundary=True): eps = 0 if self.l > 0 else np.finfo(config.real(np)).eps l = np.log(self.l + eps) r = np.log(self.r + eps) if boundary: x = np.linspace(l, r, num=n, dtype=config.real(np))[:, None] else: x = np.linspace(l, r, num=n + 1, endpoint=False, dtype=config.real(np))[ 1:, None ] return np.exp(x) - eps
[docs] def random_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): x = sample(n, 1, random) return (self.diam * x + self.l).astype(config.real(np))
[docs] def uniform_boundary_points(self, n): if n == 1: return np.array([[self.l]]).astype(config.real(np)) xl = np.full((n // 2, 1), self.l).astype(config.real(np)) xr = np.full((n - n // 2, 1), self.r).astype(config.real(np)) return np.vstack((xl, xr))
[docs] def random_boundary_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): if n == 2: return np.array([[self.l], [self.r]]).astype(config.real(np)) return np.random.choice([self.l, self.r], n)[:, None].astype(config.real(np))
[docs] def periodic_point(self, x, component=0): tmp = np.copy(x) tmp[isclose(x, self.l)] = self.r tmp[isclose(x, self.r)] = self.l return tmp
[docs] def background_points(self, x, dirn, dist2npt, shift): """ Args: dirn: -1 (left), or 1 (right), or 0 (both direction). dist2npt: A function which converts distance to the number of extra points (not including x). shift: The number of shift. """ def background_points_left(): dx = x[0] - self.l n = max(dist2npt(dx), 1) h = dx / n pts = x[0] - np.arange(-shift, n - shift + 1, dtype=config.real(np)) * h return pts[:, None] def background_points_right(): dx = self.r - x[0] n = max(dist2npt(dx), 1) h = dx / n pts = x[0] + np.arange(-shift, n - shift + 1, dtype=config.real(np)) * h return pts[:, None] return ( background_points_left() if dirn < 0 else background_points_right() if dirn > 0 else np.vstack((background_points_left(), background_points_right())) )