Source code for deepxde.geometry.geometry_2d

__all__ = ["Disk", "Ellipse", "Polygon", "Rectangle", "StarShaped", "Triangle"]

from typing import Union, Literal

import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial

from .geometry import Geometry
from .geometry_nd import Hypercube, Hypersphere
from .sampler import sample
from .. import backend as bkd
from .. import config
from ..utils import isclose, vectorize

[docs] class Disk(Hypersphere):
[docs] def inside(self, x): return np.linalg.norm(x -, axis=-1) <= self.radius
[docs] def on_boundary(self, x): return isclose(np.linalg.norm(x -, axis=-1), self.radius)
[docs] def distance2boundary_unitdirn(self, x, dirn): # xc = x - ad =, dirn) return (-ad + (ad**2 - np.sum(xc * xc, axis=-1) + self._r2) ** 0.5).astype( config.real(np) )
[docs] def distance2boundary(self, x, dirn): return self.distance2boundary_unitdirn(x, dirn / np.linalg.norm(dirn))
[docs] def mindist2boundary(self, x): return np.amin(self.radius - np.linalg.norm(x -, axis=1))
[docs] def boundary_normal(self, x): _n = x - l = np.linalg.norm(_n, axis=-1, keepdims=True) _n = _n / l * isclose(l, self.radius) return _n
[docs] def random_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): # rng = sample(n, 2, random) r, theta = rng[:, 0], 2 * np.pi * rng[:, 1] x, y = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) return self.radius * (np.sqrt(r) * np.vstack((x, y))).T +
[docs] def uniform_boundary_points(self, n): theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num=n, endpoint=False) X = np.vstack((np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta))).T return self.radius * X +
[docs] def random_boundary_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): u = sample(n, 1, random) theta = 2 * np.pi * u X = np.hstack((np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta))) return self.radius * X +
[docs] def background_points(self, x, dirn, dist2npt, shift): dirn = dirn / np.linalg.norm(dirn) dx = self.distance2boundary_unitdirn(x, -dirn) n = max(dist2npt(dx), 1) h = dx / n pts = ( x - np.arange(-shift, n - shift + 1, dtype=config.real(np))[:, None] * h * dirn ) return pts
[docs] class Ellipse(Geometry): """Ellipse. Args: center: Center of the ellipse. semimajor: Semimajor of the ellipse. semiminor: Semiminor of the ellipse. angle: Rotation angle of the ellipse. A positive angle rotates the ellipse clockwise about the center and a negative angle rotates the ellipse counterclockwise about the center. """ def __init__(self, center, semimajor, semiminor, angle=0): = np.array(center, dtype=config.real(np)) self.semimajor = semimajor self.semiminor = semiminor self.angle = angle self.c = (semimajor**2 - semiminor**2) ** 0.5 self.focus1 = np.array( [ center[0] - self.c * np.cos(angle), center[1] + self.c * np.sin(angle), ], dtype=config.real(np), ) self.focus2 = np.array( [ center[0] + self.c * np.cos(angle), center[1] - self.c * np.sin(angle), ], dtype=config.real(np), ) self.rotation_mat = np.array( [[np.cos(-angle), -np.sin(-angle)], [np.sin(-angle), np.cos(-angle)]] ) ( self.theta_from_arc_length, self.total_arc, ) = self._theta_from_arc_length_constructor() super().__init__( 2, ( - semimajor, + semiminor), 2 * self.c )
[docs] def on_boundary(self, x): d1 = np.linalg.norm(x - self.focus1, axis=-1) d2 = np.linalg.norm(x - self.focus2, axis=-1) return isclose(d1 + d2, 2 * self.semimajor)
[docs] def inside(self, x): d1 = np.linalg.norm(x - self.focus1, axis=-1) d2 = np.linalg.norm(x - self.focus2, axis=-1) return d1 + d2 <= 2 * self.semimajor
def _ellipse_arc(self): """Cumulative arc length of ellipse with given dimensions. Returns theta values, distance cumulated at each theta, and total arc length. """ # Divide the interval [0 , theta] into n steps at regular angles theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 10000) coords = np.array( [self.semimajor * np.cos(theta), self.semiminor * np.sin(theta)] ) # Compute vector distance between each successive point coords_diffs = np.diff(coords) # Compute the full arc delta_r = np.linalg.norm(coords_diffs, axis=0) cumulative_distance = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(delta_r))) c = np.sum(delta_r) return theta, cumulative_distance, c def _theta_from_arc_length_constructor(self): """Constructs a function that returns the angle associated with a given cumulative arc length for given ellipse. """ theta, cumulative_distance, total_arc = self._ellipse_arc() # Construct the inverse arc length function def f(s): return np.interp(s, cumulative_distance, theta) return f, total_arc
[docs] def random_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): # rng = sample(n, 2, random) r, theta = rng[:, 0], 2 * np.pi * rng[:, 1] x, y = self.semimajor * np.cos(theta), self.semiminor * np.sin(theta) X = np.sqrt(r) * np.vstack((x, y)) return np.matmul(self.rotation_mat, X).T +
[docs] def uniform_boundary_points(self, n): # u = np.linspace(0, 1, num=n, endpoint=False).reshape((-1, 1)) theta = self.theta_from_arc_length(u * self.total_arc) X = np.hstack((self.semimajor * np.cos(theta), self.semiminor * np.sin(theta))) return np.matmul(self.rotation_mat, X.T).T +
[docs] def random_boundary_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): u = sample(n, 1, random) theta = self.theta_from_arc_length(u * self.total_arc) X = np.hstack((self.semimajor * np.cos(theta), self.semiminor * np.sin(theta))) return np.matmul(self.rotation_mat, X.T).T +
[docs] def boundary_constraint_factor( self, x, smoothness: Literal["C0", "C0+", "Cinf"] = "C0+" ): if smoothness not in ["C0", "C0+", "Cinf"]: raise ValueError("`smoothness` must be one of C0, C0+, Cinf") if not hasattr(self, "self.focus1_tensor"): self.focus1_tensor = bkd.as_tensor(self.focus1) self.focus2_tensor = bkd.as_tensor(self.focus2) d1 = bkd.norm(x - self.focus1_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) d2 = bkd.norm(x - self.focus2_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) dist = d1 + d2 - 2 * self.semimajor if smoothness == "Cinf": dist = bkd.square(dist) else: dist = bkd.abs(dist) return dist
[docs] class Rectangle(Hypercube): """ Args: xmin: Coordinate of bottom left corner. xmax: Coordinate of top right corner. """ def __init__(self, xmin, xmax): super().__init__(xmin, xmax) self.perimeter = 2 * np.sum(self.xmax - self.xmin) self.area = - self.xmin)
[docs] def uniform_boundary_points(self, n): nx, ny = np.ceil(n / self.perimeter * (self.xmax - self.xmin)).astype(int) xbot = np.hstack( ( np.linspace(self.xmin[0], self.xmax[0], num=nx, endpoint=False)[ :, None ], np.full([nx, 1], self.xmin[1]), ) ) yrig = np.hstack( ( np.full([ny, 1], self.xmax[0]), np.linspace(self.xmin[1], self.xmax[1], num=ny, endpoint=False)[ :, None ], ) ) xtop = np.hstack( ( np.linspace(self.xmin[0], self.xmax[0], num=nx + 1)[1:, None], np.full([nx, 1], self.xmax[1]), ) ) ylef = np.hstack( ( np.full([ny, 1], self.xmin[0]), np.linspace(self.xmin[1], self.xmax[1], num=ny + 1)[1:, None], ) ) x = np.vstack((xbot, yrig, xtop, ylef)) if n != len(x): print( "Warning: {} points required, but {} points sampled.".format(n, len(x)) ) return x
[docs] def random_boundary_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): l1 = self.xmax[0] - self.xmin[0] l2 = l1 + self.xmax[1] - self.xmin[1] l3 = l2 + l1 u = np.ravel(sample(n + 2, 1, random)) # Remove the possible points very close to the corners u = u[np.logical_not(isclose(u, l1 / self.perimeter))] u = u[np.logical_not(isclose(u, l3 / self.perimeter))] u = u[:n] u *= self.perimeter x = [] for l in u: if l < l1: x.append([self.xmin[0] + l, self.xmin[1]]) elif l < l2: x.append([self.xmax[0], self.xmin[1] + l - l1]) elif l < l3: x.append([self.xmax[0] - l + l2, self.xmax[1]]) else: x.append([self.xmin[0], self.xmax[1] - l + l3]) return np.vstack(x)
def _boundary_constraint_factor_inside( self, x, where: Union[None, Literal["left", "right", "bottom", "top"]] = None, smoothness: Literal["C0", "C0+", "Cinf"] = "C0+", ): """(Internal use only) Compute the hard constraint factor at `x` for the boundary. The points in `x` are assumed to live inside the geometry. This function is a helper function used internally by the `boundary_constraint_factor` function. It should not be called directly in most cases. """ if not hasattr(self, "self.xmin_tensor"): self.xmin_tensor = bkd.as_tensor(self.xmin) self.xmax_tensor = bkd.as_tensor(self.xmax) if where not in ["right", "top"]: dist_l = bkd.abs( (x - self.xmin_tensor) / (self.xmax_tensor - self.xmin_tensor) * 2 ) if where not in ["left", "bottom"]: dist_r = bkd.abs( (x - self.xmax_tensor) / (self.xmax_tensor - self.xmin_tensor) * 2 ) if where == "left": return dist_l[:, 0:1] if where == "right": return dist_r[:, 0:1] if where == "bottom": return dist_l[:, 1:] if where == "top": return dist_r[:, 1:] if smoothness == "C0": dist_l = bkd.min(dist_l, dim=-1, keepdims=True) dist_r = bkd.min(dist_r, dim=-1, keepdims=True) return bkd.minimum(dist_l, dist_r) dist_l =, dim=-1, keepdims=True) dist_r =, dim=-1, keepdims=True) return dist_l * dist_r
[docs] def boundary_constraint_factor( self, x, smoothness: Literal["C0", "C0+", "Cinf"] = "C0+", where: Union[None, Literal["left", "right", "bottom", "top"]] = None, inside: bool = True, ): """Compute the hard constraint factor at x for the boundary. This function is used for the hard-constraint methods in Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). The hard constraint factor satisfies the following properties: - The function is zero on the boundary and positive elsewhere. - The function is at least continuous. In the ansatz `boundary_constraint_factor(x) * NN(x) + boundary_condition(x)`, when `x` is on the boundary, `boundary_constraint_factor(x)` will be zero, making the ansatz be the boundary condition, which in turn makes the boundary condition a "hard constraint". Args: x: A 2D array of shape (n, dim), where `n` is the number of points and `dim` is the dimension of the geometry. Note that `x` should be a tensor type of backend (e.g., `tf.Tensor` or `torch.Tensor`), not a numpy array. smoothness (string, optional): A string to specify the smoothness of the distance function, e.g., "C0", "C0+", "Cinf". "C0" is the least smooth, "Cinf" is the most smooth. Default is "C0+". - C0 The distance function is continuous but may not be non-differentiable. But the set of non-differentiable points should have measure zero, which makes the probability of the collocation point falling in this set be zero. - C0+ The distance function is continuous and differentiable almost everywhere. The non-differentiable points can only appear on boundaries. If the points in `x` are all inside or outside the geometry, the distance function is smooth. - Cinf The distance function is continuous and differentiable at any order on any points. This option may result in a polynomial of HIGH order. where (string, optional): A string to specify which part of the boundary to compute the distance. "left": x[0] = xmin[0], "right": x[0] = xmax[0], "bottom": x[1] = xmin[1], "top": x[1] = xmax[1]. If `None`, compute the distance to the whole boundary. Default is `None`. inside (bool, optional): The `x` is either inside or outside the geometry. The cases where there are both points inside and points outside the geometry are NOT allowed. Default is `True`. Returns: A tensor of a type determined by the backend, which will have a shape of (n, 1). Each element in the tensor corresponds to the computed distance value for the respective point in `x`. """ if where not in [None, "left", "right", "bottom", "top"]: raise ValueError("where must be one of None, left, right, bottom, top") if smoothness not in ["C0", "C0+", "Cinf"]: raise ValueError("smoothness must be one of C0, C0+, Cinf") if self.dim != 2: raise ValueError("self.dim must be 2") if inside: return self._boundary_constraint_factor_inside(x, where, smoothness) if not hasattr(self, "self.x11_tensor"): self.x11_tensor = bkd.as_tensor(self.xmin) self.x22_tensor = bkd.as_tensor(self.xmax) self.x12_tensor = bkd.as_tensor([self.xmin[0], self.xmax[1]]) self.x21_tensor = bkd.as_tensor([self.xmax[0], self.xmin[1]]) dist_left = dist_right = dist_bottom = dist_top = None if where is None or where == "left": dist_left = bkd.abs( bkd.norm(x - self.x11_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + bkd.norm(x - self.x12_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) - (self.xmax[1] - self.xmin[1]) ) if where is None or where == "right": dist_right = bkd.abs( bkd.norm(x - self.x21_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + bkd.norm(x - self.x22_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) - (self.xmax[1] - self.xmin[1]) ) if where is None or where == "bottom": dist_bottom = bkd.abs( bkd.norm(x - self.x11_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + bkd.norm(x - self.x21_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) - (self.xmax[0] - self.xmin[0]) ) if where is None or where == "top": dist_top = bkd.abs( bkd.norm(x - self.x12_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + bkd.norm(x - self.x22_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) - (self.xmax[0] - self.xmin[0]) ) if where == "left": return dist_left if where == "right": return dist_right if where == "bottom": return dist_bottom if where == "top": return dist_top if smoothness == "C0": return bkd.minimum( bkd.minimum(dist_left, dist_right), bkd.minimum(dist_bottom, dist_top) ) return dist_left * dist_right * dist_bottom * dist_top
[docs] @staticmethod def is_valid(vertices): """Check if the geometry is a Rectangle.""" return ( len(vertices) == 4 and isclose([1] - vertices[0]), 0) and isclose([2] - vertices[1]), 0) and isclose([3] - vertices[2]), 0) and isclose([0] - vertices[3]), 0) )
[docs] class StarShaped(Geometry): """Star-shaped 2d domain, i.e., a geometry whose boundary is parametrized in polar coordinates as: $$ r(theta) := r_0 + sum_{i = 1}^N [a_i cos( i theta) + b_i sin(i theta) ], theta in [0,2 pi]. $$ For more details, refer to: `Hiptmair et al. Large deformation shape uncertainty quantification in acoustic scattering. Adv Comp Math, 2018. <>`_ Args: center: Center of the domain. radius: 0th-order term of the parametrization (r_0). coeffs_cos: i-th order coefficients for the i-th cos term (a_i). coeffs_sin: i-th order coefficients for the i-th sin term (b_i). """ def __init__(self, center, radius, coeffs_cos, coeffs_sin): = np.array(center, dtype=config.real(np)) self.radius = radius self.coeffs_cos = coeffs_cos self.coeffs_sin = coeffs_sin max_radius = radius + np.sum(coeffs_cos) + np.sum(coeffs_sin) super().__init__( 2, ( - max_radius, + max_radius), 2 * max_radius, ) def _r_theta(self, theta): """Define the parametrization r(theta) at angles theta.""" result = self.radius * np.ones(theta.shape) for i, (coeff_cos, coeff_sin) in enumerate( zip(self.coeffs_cos, self.coeffs_sin), start=1 ): result += coeff_cos * np.cos(i * theta) + coeff_sin * np.sin(i * theta) return result def _dr_theta(self, theta): """Evalutate the polar derivative r'(theta) at angles theta""" result = np.zeros(theta.shape) for i, (coeff_cos, coeff_sin) in enumerate( zip(self.coeffs_cos, self.coeffs_sin), start=1 ): result += -coeff_cos * i * np.sin(i * theta) + coeff_sin * i * np.cos( i * theta ) return result
[docs] def inside(self, x): r, theta = polar(x - r_theta = self._r_theta(theta) return r_theta >= r
[docs] def on_boundary(self, x): r, theta = polar(x - r_theta = self._r_theta(theta) return isclose(np.linalg.norm(r_theta - r), 0)
[docs] def boundary_normal(self, x): _, theta = polar(x - dr_theta = self._dr_theta(theta) r_theta = self._r_theta(theta) dxt = np.vstack( ( dr_theta * np.cos(theta) - r_theta * np.sin(theta), dr_theta * np.sin(theta) + r_theta * np.cos(theta), ) ).T norm = np.linalg.norm(dxt, axis=-1, keepdims=True) dxt /= norm return np.array([dxt[:, 1], -dxt[:, 0]]).T
[docs] def random_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): x = np.empty((0, 2), dtype=config.real(np)) vbbox = self.bbox[1] - self.bbox[0] while len(x) < n: x_new = sample(n, 2, sampler="pseudo") * vbbox + self.bbox[0] x = np.vstack((x, x_new[self.inside(x_new)])) return x[:n]
[docs] def uniform_boundary_points(self, n): theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num=n, endpoint=False) r_theta = self._r_theta(theta) X = np.vstack((r_theta * np.cos(theta), r_theta * np.sin(theta))).T return X +
[docs] def random_boundary_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): u = sample(n, 1, random) theta = 2 * np.pi * u r_theta = self._r_theta(theta) X = np.hstack((r_theta * np.cos(theta), r_theta * np.sin(theta))) return X +
[docs] class Triangle(Geometry): """Triangle. The order of vertices can be in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. The vertices will be re-ordered in counterclockwise (right hand rule). """ def __init__(self, x1, x2, x3): self.area = polygon_signed_area([x1, x2, x3]) # Clockwise if self.area < 0: self.area = -self.area x2, x3 = x3, x2 self.x1 = np.array(x1, dtype=config.real(np)) self.x2 = np.array(x2, dtype=config.real(np)) self.x3 = np.array(x3, dtype=config.real(np)) self.v12 = self.x2 - self.x1 self.v23 = self.x3 - self.x2 self.v31 = self.x1 - self.x3 self.l12 = np.linalg.norm(self.v12) self.l23 = np.linalg.norm(self.v23) self.l31 = np.linalg.norm(self.v31) self.n12 = self.v12 / self.l12 self.n23 = self.v23 / self.l23 self.n31 = self.v31 / self.l31 self.n12_normal = clockwise_rotation_90(self.n12) self.n23_normal = clockwise_rotation_90(self.n23) self.n31_normal = clockwise_rotation_90(self.n31) self.perimeter = self.l12 + self.l23 + self.l31 super().__init__( 2, (np.minimum(x1, np.minimum(x2, x3)), np.maximum(x1, np.maximum(x2, x3))), self.l12 * self.l23 * self.l31 / ( self.perimeter * (self.l12 + self.l23 - self.l31) * (self.l23 + self.l31 - self.l12) * (self.l31 + self.l12 - self.l23) ) ** 0.5, )
[docs] def inside(self, x): # _sign = np.hstack( [ np.cross(self.v12, x - self.x1)[:, np.newaxis], np.cross(self.v23, x - self.x2)[:, np.newaxis], np.cross(self.v31, x - self.x3)[:, np.newaxis], ] ) return ~np.logical_and(np.any(_sign > 0, axis=-1), np.any(_sign < 0, axis=-1))
[docs] def on_boundary(self, x): l1 = np.linalg.norm(x - self.x1, axis=-1) l2 = np.linalg.norm(x - self.x2, axis=-1) l3 = np.linalg.norm(x - self.x3, axis=-1) return np.any( isclose( [l1 + l2 - self.l12, l2 + l3 - self.l23, l3 + l1 - self.l31], 0, ), axis=0, )
[docs] def boundary_normal(self, x): l1 = np.linalg.norm(x - self.x1, axis=-1, keepdims=True) l2 = np.linalg.norm(x - self.x2, axis=-1, keepdims=True) l3 = np.linalg.norm(x - self.x3, axis=-1, keepdims=True) on12 = isclose(l1 + l2, self.l12) on23 = isclose(l2 + l3, self.l23) on31 = isclose(l3 + l1, self.l31) # Check points on the vertexes if np.any(np.count_nonzero(np.hstack([on12, on23, on31]), axis=-1) > 1): raise ValueError( "{}.boundary_normal do not accept points on the vertexes.".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) return self.n12_normal * on12 + self.n23_normal * on23 + self.n31_normal * on31
[docs] def random_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): # There are two methods for triangle point picking. # Method 1 (used here): # - # Method 2: # - # - # - sqrt_r1 = np.sqrt(np.random.rand(n, 1)) r2 = np.random.rand(n, 1) return ( (1 - sqrt_r1) * self.x1 + sqrt_r1 * (1 - r2) * self.x2 + r2 * sqrt_r1 * self.x3 )
[docs] def uniform_boundary_points(self, n): density = n / self.perimeter x12 = ( np.linspace(0, 1, num=int(np.ceil(density * self.l12)), endpoint=False)[ :, None ] * self.v12 + self.x1 ) x23 = ( np.linspace(0, 1, num=int(np.ceil(density * self.l23)), endpoint=False)[ :, None ] * self.v23 + self.x2 ) x31 = ( np.linspace(0, 1, num=int(np.ceil(density * self.l31)), endpoint=False)[ :, None ] * self.v31 + self.x3 ) x = np.vstack((x12, x23, x31)) if n != len(x): print( "Warning: {} points required, but {} points sampled.".format(n, len(x)) ) return x
[docs] def random_boundary_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): u = np.ravel(sample(n + 2, 1, random)) # Remove the possible points very close to the corners u = u[np.logical_not(isclose(u, self.l12 / self.perimeter))] u = u[np.logical_not(isclose(u, (self.l12 + self.l23) / self.perimeter))] u = u[:n] u *= self.perimeter x = [] for l in u: if l < self.l12: x.append(l * self.n12 + self.x1) elif l < self.l12 + self.l23: x.append((l - self.l12) * self.n23 + self.x2) else: x.append((l - self.l12 - self.l23) * self.n31 + self.x3) return np.vstack(x)
[docs] def boundary_constraint_factor( self, x, smoothness: Literal["C0", "C0+", "Cinf"] = "C0+", where: Union[None, Literal["x1-x2", "x1-x3", "x2-x3"]] = None, ): """Compute the hard constraint factor at x for the boundary. This function is used for the hard-constraint methods in Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). The hard constraint factor satisfies the following properties: - The function is zero on the boundary and positive elsewhere. - The function is at least continuous. In the ansatz `boundary_constraint_factor(x) * NN(x) + boundary_condition(x)`, when `x` is on the boundary, `boundary_constraint_factor(x)` will be zero, making the ansatz be the boundary condition, which in turn makes the boundary condition a "hard constraint". Args: x: A 2D array of shape (n, dim), where `n` is the number of points and `dim` is the dimension of the geometry. Note that `x` should be a tensor type of backend (e.g., `tf.Tensor` or `torch.Tensor`), not a numpy array. smoothness (string, optional): A string to specify the smoothness of the distance function, e.g., "C0", "C0+", "Cinf". "C0" is the least smooth, "Cinf" is the most smooth. Default is "C0+". - C0 The distance function is continuous but may not be non-differentiable. But the set of non-differentiable points should have measure zero, which makes the probability of the collocation point falling in this set be zero. - C0+ The distance function is continuous and differentiable almost everywhere. The non-differentiable points can only appear on boundaries. If the points in `x` are all inside or outside the geometry, the distance function is smooth. - Cinf The distance function is continuous and differentiable at any order on any points. This option may result in a polynomial of HIGH order. where (string, optional): A string to specify which part of the boundary to compute the distance. If `None`, compute the distance to the whole boundary. "x1-x2" indicates the line segment with vertices x1 and x2 (after reordered). Default is `None`. Returns: A tensor of a type determined by the backend, which will have a shape of (n, 1). Each element in the tensor corresponds to the computed distance value for the respective point in `x`. """ if where not in [None, "x1-x2", "x1-x3", "x2-x3"]: raise ValueError("where must be one of None, x1-x2, x1-x3, x2-x3") if smoothness not in ["C0", "C0+", "Cinf"]: raise ValueError("smoothness must be one of C0, C0+, Cinf") if not hasattr(self, "self.x1_tensor"): self.x1_tensor = bkd.as_tensor(self.x1) self.x2_tensor = bkd.as_tensor(self.x2) self.x3_tensor = bkd.as_tensor(self.x3) diff_x1_x2 = diff_x1_x3 = diff_x2_x3 = None if where not in ["x1-x3", "x2-x3"]: diff_x1_x2 = ( bkd.norm(x - self.x1_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + bkd.norm(x - self.x2_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) - self.l12 ) if where not in ["x1-x2", "x2-x3"]: diff_x1_x3 = ( bkd.norm(x - self.x1_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + bkd.norm(x - self.x3_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) - self.l31 ) if where not in ["x1-x2", "x1-x3"]: diff_x2_x3 = ( bkd.norm(x - self.x2_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + bkd.norm(x - self.x3_tensor, axis=-1, keepdims=True) - self.l23 ) if where is None: if smoothness == "C0": return bkd.minimum(bkd.minimum(diff_x1_x2, diff_x1_x3), diff_x2_x3) return diff_x1_x2 * diff_x1_x3 * diff_x2_x3 if where == "x1-x2": return diff_x1_x2 if where == "x1-x3": return diff_x1_x3 return diff_x2_x3
[docs] class Polygon(Geometry): """Simple polygon. Args: vertices: The order of vertices can be in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. The vertices will be re-ordered in counterclockwise (right hand rule). """ def __init__(self, vertices): self.vertices = np.array(vertices, dtype=config.real(np)) if len(vertices) == 3: raise ValueError("The polygon is a triangle. Use Triangle instead.") if Rectangle.is_valid(self.vertices): raise ValueError("The polygon is a rectangle. Use Rectangle instead.") self.area = polygon_signed_area(self.vertices) # Clockwise if self.area < 0: self.area = -self.area self.vertices = np.flipud(self.vertices) self.diagonals = spatial.distance.squareform( spatial.distance.pdist(self.vertices) ) super().__init__( 2, (np.amin(self.vertices, axis=0), np.amax(self.vertices, axis=0)), np.max(self.diagonals), ) self.nvertices = len(self.vertices) self.perimeter = np.sum( [self.diagonals[i, i + 1] for i in range(-1, self.nvertices - 1)] ) self.bbox = np.array( [np.min(self.vertices, axis=0), np.max(self.vertices, axis=0)] ) self.segments = self.vertices[1:] - self.vertices[:-1] self.segments = np.vstack((self.vertices[0] - self.vertices[-1], self.segments)) self.normal = clockwise_rotation_90(self.segments.T).T self.normal = self.normal / np.linalg.norm(self.normal, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
[docs] def inside(self, x): def wn_PnPoly(P, V): """Winding number algorithm. Args: P: A point. V: Vertex points of a polygon. Returns: wn: Winding number (=0 only if P is outside polygon). """ wn = np.zeros(len(P)) # Winding number counter # Repeat the first vertex at end # Loop through all edges of the polygon for i in range(-1, self.nvertices - 1): # Edge from V[i] to V[i+1] tmp = np.all( np.hstack( [ V[i, 1] <= P[:, 1:2], # Start y <= P[1] V[i + 1, 1] > P[:, 1:2], # An upward crossing is_left(V[i], V[i + 1], P) > 0, # P left of edge ] ), axis=-1, ) wn[tmp] += 1 # Have a valid up intersect tmp = np.all( np.hstack( [ V[i, 1] > P[:, 1:2], # Start y > P[1] V[i + 1, 1] <= P[:, 1:2], # A downward crossing is_left(V[i], V[i + 1], P) < 0, # P right of edge ] ), axis=-1, ) wn[tmp] -= 1 # Have a valid down intersect return wn return wn_PnPoly(x, self.vertices) != 0
[docs] def on_boundary(self, x): _on = np.zeros(shape=len(x), dtype=int) for i in range(-1, self.nvertices - 1): l1 = np.linalg.norm(self.vertices[i] - x, axis=-1) l2 = np.linalg.norm(self.vertices[i + 1] - x, axis=-1) _on[isclose(l1 + l2, self.diagonals[i, i + 1])] += 1 return _on > 0
[docs] @vectorize(excluded=[0], signature="(n)->(n)") def boundary_normal(self, x): for i in range(self.nvertices): if is_on_line_segment(self.vertices[i - 1], self.vertices[i], x): return self.normal[i] return np.array([0, 0])
[docs] def random_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): x = np.empty((0, 2), dtype=config.real(np)) vbbox = self.bbox[1] - self.bbox[0] while len(x) < n: x_new = sample(n, 2, sampler="pseudo") * vbbox + self.bbox[0] x = np.vstack((x, x_new[self.inside(x_new)])) return x[:n]
[docs] def uniform_boundary_points(self, n): density = n / self.perimeter x = [] for i in range(-1, self.nvertices - 1): x.append( np.linspace( 0, 1, num=int(np.ceil(density * self.diagonals[i, i + 1])), endpoint=False, )[:, None] * (self.vertices[i + 1] - self.vertices[i]) + self.vertices[i] ) x = np.vstack(x) if n != len(x): print( "Warning: {} points required, but {} points sampled.".format(n, len(x)) ) return x
[docs] def random_boundary_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): u = np.ravel(sample(n + self.nvertices, 1, random)) # Remove the possible points very close to the corners l = 0 for i in range(0, self.nvertices - 1): l += self.diagonals[i, i + 1] u = u[np.logical_not(isclose(u, l / self.perimeter))] u = u[:n] u *= self.perimeter u.sort() x = [] i = -1 l0 = 0 l1 = l0 + self.diagonals[i, i + 1] v = (self.vertices[i + 1] - self.vertices[i]) / self.diagonals[i, i + 1] for l in u: if l > l1: i += 1 l0, l1 = l1, l1 + self.diagonals[i, i + 1] v = (self.vertices[i + 1] - self.vertices[i]) / self.diagonals[i, i + 1] x.append((l - l0) * v + self.vertices[i]) return np.vstack(x)
def polygon_signed_area(vertices): """The (signed) area of a simple polygon. If the vertices are in the counterclockwise direction, then the area is positive; if they are in the clockwise direction, the area is negative. Shoelace formula: """ x, y = zip(*vertices) x = np.array(list(x) + [x[0]]) y = np.array(list(y) + [y[0]]) return 0.5 * (np.sum(x[:-1] * y[1:]) - np.sum(x[1:] * y[:-1])) def clockwise_rotation_90(v): """Rotate a vector of 90 degrees clockwise about the origin.""" return np.array([v[1], -v[0]]) def is_left(P0, P1, P2): """Test if a point is Left|On|Right of an infinite line. See: the January 2001 Algorithm "Area of 2D and 3D Triangles and Polygons". Args: P0: One point in the line. P1: One point in the line. P2: A array of point to be tested. Returns: >0 if P2 left of the line through P0 and P1, =0 if P2 on the line, <0 if P2 right of the line. """ return np.cross(P1 - P0, P2 - P0, axis=-1).reshape((-1, 1)) def is_rectangle(vertices): """Check if the geometry is a rectangle. 1. Find the center of mass of corner points: cx=(x1+x2+x3+x4)/4, cy=(y1+y2+y3+y4)/4 2. Test if square of distances from center of mass to all 4 corners are equal """ if len(vertices) != 4: return False c = np.mean(vertices, axis=0) d = np.sum((vertices - c) ** 2, axis=1) return np.allclose(d, np.full(4, d[0])) def is_on_line_segment(P0, P1, P2): """Test if a point is between two other points on a line segment. Args: P0: One point in the line. P1: One point in the line. P2: The point to be tested. References: """ v01 = P1 - P0 v02 = P2 - P0 v12 = P2 - P1 return ( # check that P2 is almost on the line P0 P1 isclose(np.cross(v01, v02) / np.linalg.norm(v01), 0) # check that projection of P2 to line is between P0 and P1 and v01 @ v02 >= 0 and v01 @ v12 <= 0 ) # Not between P0 and P1, but close to P0 or P1 # or isclose(np.linalg.norm(v02), 0) # check whether P2 is close to P0 # or isclose(np.linalg.norm(v12), 0) # check whether P2 is close to P1 def polar(x): """Get the polar coordinated for a 2d vector in cartesian coordinates.""" r = np.sqrt(x[:, 0] ** 2 + x[:, 1] ** 2) theta = np.arctan2(x[:, 1], x[:, 0]) return r, theta