Source code for deepxde.geometry.geometry_3d

import itertools
from typing import Union, Literal

import numpy as np

from .geometry_2d import Rectangle
from .geometry_nd import Hypercube, Hypersphere
from .. import backend as bkd

[docs] class Cuboid(Hypercube): """ Args: xmin: Coordinate of bottom left corner. xmax: Coordinate of top right corner. """ def __init__(self, xmin, xmax): super().__init__(xmin, xmax) dx = self.xmax - self.xmin self.area = 2 * np.sum(dx * np.roll(dx, 2))
[docs] def random_boundary_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): pts = [] density = n / self.area rect = Rectangle(self.xmin[:-1], self.xmax[:-1]) for z in [self.xmin[-1], self.xmax[-1]]: u = rect.random_points(int(np.ceil(density * rect.area)), random=random) pts.append(np.hstack((u, np.full((len(u), 1), z)))) rect = Rectangle(self.xmin[::2], self.xmax[::2]) for y in [self.xmin[1], self.xmax[1]]: u = rect.random_points(int(np.ceil(density * rect.area)), random=random) pts.append(np.hstack((u[:, 0:1], np.full((len(u), 1), y), u[:, 1:]))) rect = Rectangle(self.xmin[1:], self.xmax[1:]) for x in [self.xmin[0], self.xmax[0]]: u = rect.random_points(int(np.ceil(density * rect.area)), random=random) pts.append(np.hstack((np.full((len(u), 1), x), u))) pts = np.vstack(pts) if len(pts) > n: return pts[np.random.choice(len(pts), size=n, replace=False)] return pts
[docs] def uniform_boundary_points(self, n): h = (self.area / n) ** 0.5 nx, ny, nz = np.ceil((self.xmax - self.xmin) / h).astype(int) + 1 x = np.linspace(self.xmin[0], self.xmax[0], num=nx) y = np.linspace(self.xmin[1], self.xmax[1], num=ny) z = np.linspace(self.xmin[2], self.xmax[2], num=nz) pts = [] for v in [self.xmin[-1], self.xmax[-1]]: u = list(itertools.product(x, y)) pts.append(np.hstack((u, np.full((len(u), 1), v)))) if nz > 2: for v in [self.xmin[1], self.xmax[1]]: u = np.array(list(itertools.product(x, z[1:-1]))) pts.append(np.hstack((u[:, 0:1], np.full((len(u), 1), v), u[:, 1:]))) if ny > 2 and nz > 2: for v in [self.xmin[0], self.xmax[0]]: u = list(itertools.product(y[1:-1], z[1:-1])) pts.append(np.hstack((np.full((len(u), 1), v), u))) pts = np.vstack(pts) if n != len(pts): print( "Warning: {} points required, but {} points sampled.".format( n, len(pts) ) ) return pts
[docs] def boundary_constraint_factor( self, x, smoothness: Literal["C0", "C0+", "Cinf"] = "C0+", where: Union[ None, Literal["back", "front", "left", "right", "bottom", "top"] ] = None, inside: bool = True, ): """Compute the hard constraint factor at x for the boundary. This function is used for the hard-constraint methods in Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). The hard constraint factor satisfies the following properties: - The function is zero on the boundary and positive elsewhere. - The function is at least continuous. In the ansatz `boundary_constraint_factor(x) * NN(x) + boundary_condition(x)`, when `x` is on the boundary, `boundary_constraint_factor(x)` will be zero, making the ansatz be the boundary condition, which in turn makes the boundary condition a "hard constraint". Args: x: A 2D array of shape (n, dim), where `n` is the number of points and `dim` is the dimension of the geometry. Note that `x` should be a tensor type of backend (e.g., `tf.Tensor` or `torch.Tensor`), not a numpy array. smoothness (string, optional): A string to specify the smoothness of the distance function, e.g., "C0", "C0+", "Cinf". "C0" is the least smooth, "Cinf" is the most smooth. Default is "C0+". - C0 The distance function is continuous but may not be non-differentiable. But the set of non-differentiable points should have measure zero, which makes the probability of the collocation point falling in this set be zero. - C0+ The distance function is continuous and differentiable almost everywhere. The non-differentiable points can only appear on boundaries. If the points in `x` are all inside or outside the geometry, the distance function is smooth. - Cinf The distance function is continuous and differentiable at any order on any points. This option may result in a polynomial of HIGH order. where (string, optional): A string to specify which part of the boundary to compute the distance. "back": x[0] = xmin[0], "front": x[0] = xmax[0], "left": x[1] = xmin[1], "right": x[1] = xmax[1], "bottom": x[2] = xmin[2], "top": x[2] = xmax[2]. If `None`, compute the distance to the whole boundary. Default is `None`. inside (bool, optional): The `x` is either inside or outside the geometry. The cases where there are both points inside and points outside the geometry are NOT allowed. NOTE: currently only support `inside=True`. Returns: A tensor of a type determined by the backend, which will have a shape of (n, 1). Each element in the tensor corresponds to the computed distance value for the respective point in `x`. """ if where not in [None, "back", "front", "left", "right", "bottom", "top"]: raise ValueError( "where must be one of None, back, front, left, right, bottom, top" ) if smoothness not in ["C0", "C0+", "Cinf"]: raise ValueError("smoothness must be one of C0, C0+, Cinf") if self.dim != 3: raise ValueError("self.dim must be 3") if not inside: raise ValueError("inside=False is not supported for Cuboid") if not hasattr(self, "self.xmin_tensor"): self.xmin_tensor = bkd.as_tensor(self.xmin) self.xmax_tensor = bkd.as_tensor(self.xmax) dist_l = dist_r = None if where not in ["front", "right", "top"]: dist_l = bkd.abs( (x - self.xmin_tensor) / (self.xmax_tensor - self.xmin_tensor) * 2 ) if where not in ["back", "left", "bottom"]: dist_r = bkd.abs( (x - self.xmax_tensor) / (self.xmax_tensor - self.xmin_tensor) * 2 ) if where == "back": return dist_l[:, 0:1] if where == "front": return dist_r[:, 0:1] if where == "left": return dist_l[:, 1:2] if where == "right": return dist_r[:, 1:2] if where == "bottom": return dist_l[:, 2:] if where == "top": return dist_r[:, 2:] if smoothness == "C0": dist_l = bkd.min(dist_l, dim=-1, keepdims=True) dist_r = bkd.min(dist_r, dim=-1, keepdims=True) return bkd.minimum(dist_l, dist_r) dist_l =, dim=-1, keepdims=True) dist_r =, dim=-1, keepdims=True) return dist_l * dist_r
[docs] class Sphere(Hypersphere): """ Args: center: Center of the sphere. radius: Radius of the sphere. """