Source code for deepxde.geometry.timedomain

import itertools

import numpy as np

from .geometry_1d import Interval
from .geometry_2d import Rectangle
from .geometry_3d import Cuboid
from .geometry_nd import Hypercube
from .. import config
from ..utils import isclose

[docs] class TimeDomain(Interval): def __init__(self, t0, t1): super().__init__(t0, t1) self.t0 = t0 self.t1 = t1
[docs] def on_initial(self, t): return isclose(t, self.t0).flatten()
[docs] class GeometryXTime: def __init__(self, geometry, timedomain): self.geometry = geometry self.timedomain = timedomain self.dim = geometry.dim + timedomain.dim
[docs] def on_boundary(self, x): return self.geometry.on_boundary(x[:, :-1])
[docs] def on_initial(self, x): return self.timedomain.on_initial(x[:, -1:])
[docs] def boundary_normal(self, x): _n = self.geometry.boundary_normal(x[:, :-1]) return np.hstack([_n, np.zeros((len(_n), 1))])
[docs] def uniform_points(self, n, boundary=True): """Uniform points on the spatio-temporal domain. Geometry volume ~ bbox. Time volume ~ diam. """ nx = int( np.ceil( ( n *[1] - self.geometry.bbox[0]) / self.timedomain.diam ) ** 0.5 ) ) nt = int(np.ceil(n / nx)) x = self.geometry.uniform_points(nx, boundary=boundary) nx = len(x) if boundary: t = self.timedomain.uniform_points(nt, boundary=True) else: t = np.linspace( self.timedomain.t1, self.timedomain.t0, num=nt, endpoint=False, dtype=config.real(np), )[:, None] xt = [] for ti in t: xt.append(np.hstack((x, np.full([nx, 1], ti[0])))) xt = np.vstack(xt) if n != len(xt): print( "Warning: {} points required, but {} points sampled.".format(n, len(xt)) ) return xt
[docs] def random_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): if isinstance(self.geometry, Interval): geom = Rectangle( [self.geometry.l, self.timedomain.t0], [self.geometry.r, self.timedomain.t1], ) return geom.random_points(n, random=random) if isinstance(self.geometry, Rectangle): geom = Cuboid( [self.geometry.xmin[0], self.geometry.xmin[1], self.timedomain.t0], [self.geometry.xmax[0], self.geometry.xmax[1], self.timedomain.t1], ) return geom.random_points(n, random=random) if isinstance(self.geometry, (Cuboid, Hypercube)): geom = Hypercube( np.append(self.geometry.xmin, self.timedomain.t0), np.append(self.geometry.xmax, self.timedomain.t1), ) return geom.random_points(n, random=random) x = self.geometry.random_points(n, random=random) t = self.timedomain.random_points(n, random=random) t = np.random.permutation(t) return np.hstack((x, t))
[docs] def uniform_boundary_points(self, n): """Uniform boundary points on the spatio-temporal domain. Geometry surface area ~ bbox. Time surface area ~ diam. """ if self.geometry.dim == 1: nx = 2 else: s = 2 * sum( map( lambda l: l[0] * l[1], itertools.combinations( self.geometry.bbox[1] - self.geometry.bbox[0], 2 ), ) ) nx = int((n * s / self.timedomain.diam) ** 0.5) nt = int(np.ceil(n / nx)) x = self.geometry.uniform_boundary_points(nx) nx = len(x) t = np.linspace( self.timedomain.t1, self.timedomain.t0, num=nt, endpoint=False, dtype=config.real(np), ) xt = [] for ti in t: xt.append(np.hstack((x, np.full([nx, 1], ti)))) xt = np.vstack(xt) if n != len(xt): print( "Warning: {} points required, but {} points sampled.".format(n, len(xt)) ) return xt
[docs] def random_boundary_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): x = self.geometry.random_boundary_points(n, random=random) t = self.timedomain.random_points(n, random=random) t = np.random.permutation(t) return np.hstack((x, t))
[docs] def uniform_initial_points(self, n): x = self.geometry.uniform_points(n, True) t = self.timedomain.t0 if n != len(x): print( "Warning: {} points required, but {} points sampled.".format(n, len(x)) ) return np.hstack((x, np.full([len(x), 1], t, dtype=config.real(np))))
[docs] def random_initial_points(self, n, random="pseudo"): x = self.geometry.random_points(n, random=random) t = self.timedomain.t0 return np.hstack((x, np.full([n, 1], t, dtype=config.real(np))))
[docs] def periodic_point(self, x, component): xp = self.geometry.periodic_point(x[:, :-1], component) return np.hstack([xp, x[:, -1:]])