Source code for deepxde.utils.external

"""External utilities."""

import csv
import os
from multiprocessing import Pool

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from sklearn import preprocessing

[docs] class PointSet: """A set of points. Args: points: A NumPy array of shape (`N`, `dx`). A list of `dx`-dim points. """ def __init__(self, points): self.points = np.array(points)
[docs] def inside(self, x): """Returns ``True`` if `x` is in this set of points, otherwise, returns ``False``. Args: x: A NumPy array. A single point, or a list of points. Returns: If `x` is a single point, returns ``True`` or ``False``. If `x` is a list of points, returns a list of ``True`` or ``False``. """ if x.ndim == 1: # A single point return np.any(np.all(isclose(x, self.points), axis=1)) if x.ndim == 2: # A list of points return np.any( np.all(isclose(x[:, np.newaxis, :], self.points), axis=-1), axis=-1, )
[docs] def values_to_func(self, values, default_value=0): """Convert the pairs of points and values to a callable function. Args: values: A NumPy array of shape (`N`, `dy`). `values[i]` is the `dy`-dim function value of the `i`-th point in this point set. default_value (float): The function value of the points not in this point set. Returns: A callable function. The input of this function should be a NumPy array of shape (?, `dx`). """ def func(x): pt_equal = np.all(isclose(x[:, np.newaxis, :], self.points), axis=-1) not_inside = np.logical_not(np.any(pt_equal, axis=-1, keepdims=True)) return np.matmul(pt_equal, values) + default_value * not_inside return func
[docs] def apply(func, args=None, kwds=None): """Launch a new process to call the function. This can be used to clear Tensorflow GPU memory after model execution: """ with Pool(1) as p: if args is None and kwds is None: r = p.apply(func) elif kwds is None: r = p.apply(func, args=args) elif args is None: r = p.apply(func, kwds=kwds) else: r = p.apply(func, args=args, kwds=kwds) return r
[docs] def standardize(X_train, X_test): """Standardize features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance. The mean and std are computed from the training data `X_train` using `sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler <>`_, and then applied to the testing data `X_test`. Args: X_train: A NumPy array of shape (n_samples, n_features). The data used to compute the mean and standard deviation used for later scaling along the features axis. X_test: A NumPy array. Returns: scaler: Instance of ``sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler``. X_train: Transformed training data. X_test: Transformed testing data. """ scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True) X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train) X_test = scaler.transform(X_test) return scaler, X_train, X_test
[docs] def uniformly_continuous_delta(X, Y, eps): """Compute the supremum of delta in uniformly continuous. Args: X: N x d, equispaced points. """ if X.shape[1] == 1: # 1d equispaced points dx = np.linalg.norm(X[1] - X[0]) n = len(Y) k = 1 while True: if np.any(np.linalg.norm(Y[: n - k] - Y[k:], ord=np.inf, axis=1) >= eps): return (k - 0.5) * dx k += 1 else: dX = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(X, "euclidean") dY = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(Y, "chebyshev") delta = np.min(dX) dx = delta / 2 while True: if np.max(dY[dX <= delta]) >= eps: return delta - dx / 2 delta += dx
[docs] def saveplot( loss_history, train_state, issave=True, isplot=True, loss_fname="loss.dat", train_fname="train.dat", test_fname="test.dat", output_dir=None, ): """Save/plot the loss history and best trained result. This function is used to quickly check your results. To better investigate your result, use ``save_loss_history()`` and ``save_best_state()``. Args: loss_history: ``LossHistory`` instance. The first variable returned from ``Model.train()``. train_state: ``TrainState`` instance. The second variable returned from ``Model.train()``. issave (bool): Set ``True`` (default) to save the loss, training points, and testing points. isplot (bool): Set ``True`` (default) to plot loss, metric, and the predicted solution. loss_fname (string): Name of the file to save the loss in. train_fname (string): Name of the file to save the training points in. test_fname (string): Name of the file to save the testing points in. output_dir (string): If ``None``, use the current working directory. """ if output_dir is None: output_dir = os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists(output_dir): print(f"Warning: Directory {output_dir} doesn't exist. Creating it.") os.mkdir(output_dir) if issave: loss_fname = os.path.join(output_dir, loss_fname) train_fname = os.path.join(output_dir, train_fname) test_fname = os.path.join(output_dir, test_fname) save_loss_history(loss_history, loss_fname) save_best_state(train_state, train_fname, test_fname) if isplot: plot_loss_history(loss_history) plot_best_state(train_state)
[docs] def plot_loss_history(loss_history, fname=None): """Plot the training and testing loss history. Note: You need to call ```` to show the figure. Args: loss_history: ``LossHistory`` instance. The first variable returned from ``Model.train()``. fname (string): If `fname` is a string (e.g., 'loss_history.png'), then save the figure to the file of the file name `fname`. """ # np.sum(loss_history.loss_train, axis=1) is error-prone for arrays of varying lengths. # Handle irregular array sizes. loss_train = np.array([np.sum(loss) for loss in loss_history.loss_train]) loss_test = np.array([np.sum(loss) for loss in loss_history.loss_test]) plt.figure() plt.semilogy(loss_history.steps, loss_train, label="Train loss") plt.semilogy(loss_history.steps, loss_test, label="Test loss") for i in range(len(loss_history.metrics_test[0])): plt.semilogy( loss_history.steps, np.array(loss_history.metrics_test)[:, i], label="Test metric", ) plt.xlabel("# Steps") plt.legend() if isinstance(fname, str): plt.savefig(fname)
[docs] def save_loss_history(loss_history, fname): """Save the training and testing loss history to a file.""" print("Saving loss history to {} ...".format(fname)) loss = np.hstack( ( np.array(loss_history.steps)[:, None], np.array(loss_history.loss_train), np.array(loss_history.loss_test), np.array(loss_history.metrics_test), ) ) np.savetxt(fname, loss, header="step, loss_train, loss_test, metrics_test")
def _pack_data(train_state): def merge_values(values): if values is None: return None return np.hstack(values) if isinstance(values, (list, tuple)) else values y_train = merge_values(train_state.y_train) y_test = merge_values(train_state.y_test) best_y = merge_values(train_state.best_y) best_ystd = merge_values(train_state.best_ystd) return y_train, y_test, best_y, best_ystd
[docs] def plot_best_state(train_state): """Plot the best result of the smallest training loss. This function only works for 1D and 2D problems. For other problems and to better customize the figure, use ``save_best_state()``. Note: You need to call ```` to show the figure. Args: train_state: ``TrainState`` instance. The second variable returned from ``Model.train()``. """ if isinstance(train_state.X_train, (list, tuple)): print( "Error: The network has multiple inputs, and plotting such result han't been implemented." ) return y_train, y_test, best_y, best_ystd = _pack_data(train_state) y_dim = best_y.shape[1] # Regression plot # 1D if train_state.X_test.shape[1] == 1: idx = np.argsort(train_state.X_test[:, 0]) X = train_state.X_test[idx, 0] plt.figure() for i in range(y_dim): if y_train is not None: plt.plot(train_state.X_train[:, 0], y_train[:, i], "ok", label="Train") if y_test is not None: plt.plot(X, y_test[idx, i], "-k", label="True") plt.plot(X, best_y[idx, i], "--r", label="Prediction") if best_ystd is not None: plt.plot( X, best_y[idx, i] + 1.96 * best_ystd[idx, i], "-b", label="95% CI" ) plt.plot(X, best_y[idx, i] - 1.96 * best_ystd[idx, i], "-b") plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.legend() # 2D elif train_state.X_test.shape[1] == 2: for i in range(y_dim): plt.figure() ax = plt.axes( ax.plot3D( train_state.X_test[:, 0], train_state.X_test[:, 1], best_y[:, i], ".", ) ax.set_xlabel("$x_1$") ax.set_ylabel("$x_2$") ax.set_zlabel("$y_{}$".format(i + 1))
# Residual plot # Not necessary to plot # if y_test is not None: # plt.figure() # residual = y_test[:, 0] - best_y[:, 0] # plt.plot(best_y[:, 0], residual, "o", zorder=1) # plt.hlines(0, plt.xlim()[0], plt.xlim()[1], linestyles="dashed", zorder=2) # plt.xlabel("Predicted") # plt.ylabel("Residual = Observed - Predicted") # plt.tight_layout() # Uncertainty plot # Not necessary to plot # if best_ystd is not None: # plt.figure() # for i in range(y_dim): # plt.plot(train_state.X_test[:, 0], best_ystd[:, i], "-b") # plt.plot( # train_state.X_train[:, 0], # np.interp( # train_state.X_train[:, 0], train_state.X_test[:, 0], best_ystd[:, i] # ), # "ok", # ) # plt.xlabel("x") # plt.ylabel("std(y)")
[docs] def save_best_state(train_state, fname_train, fname_test): """Save the best result of the smallest training loss to a file.""" if isinstance(train_state.X_train, (list, tuple)): print( "Error: The network has multiple inputs, and saving such result han't been implemented." ) return print("Saving training data to {} ...".format(fname_train)) y_train, y_test, best_y, best_ystd = _pack_data(train_state) if y_train is None: np.savetxt(fname_train, train_state.X_train, header="x") else: train = np.hstack((train_state.X_train, y_train)) np.savetxt(fname_train, train, header="x, y") print("Saving test data to {} ...".format(fname_test)) if y_test is None: test = np.hstack((train_state.X_test, best_y)) if best_ystd is None: np.savetxt(fname_test, test, header="x, y_pred") else: test = np.hstack((test, best_ystd)) np.savetxt(fname_test, test, header="x, y_pred, y_std") else: test = np.hstack((train_state.X_test, y_test, best_y)) if best_ystd is None: np.savetxt(fname_test, test, header="x, y_true, y_pred") else: test = np.hstack((test, best_ystd)) np.savetxt(fname_test, test, header="x, y_true, y_pred, y_std")
[docs] def dat_to_csv(dat_file_path, csv_file_path, columns): """Converts a dat file to CSV format and saves it. Args: dat_file_path (string): Path of the dat file. csv_file_path (string): Desired path of the CSV file. columns (list): Column names to be added in the CSV file. """ with open(dat_file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as dat_file, open( csv_file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="" ) as csv_file: csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file) csv_writer.writerow(columns) for line in dat_file: if "#" in line: continue row = [field.strip() for field in line.split(" ")] csv_writer.writerow(row)
[docs] def isclose(a, b): """A modified version of `np.isclose` for DeepXDE. This function changes the value of `atol` due to the dtype of `a` and `b`. If the dtype is float16, `atol` is `1e-4`. If it is float32, `atol` is `1e-6`. Otherwise (for float64), the default is `1e-8`. If you want to manually set `atol` for some reason, use `np.isclose` instead. Args: a, b (array like): Input arrays to compare. """ a_dtype = np.asarray(a).dtype b_dtype = np.asarray(b).dtype atol = 1e-8 if np.float32 in [a_dtype, b_dtype]: atol = 1e-6 if np.float16 in [a_dtype, b_dtype]: atol = 1e-4 return np.isclose(a, b, atol=atol)